A World of Stories

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is in touch with heroes on the front lines of health and medical crises worldwide, and our keynote speaker Tachi Yamada oversees the largest health portfolio in the world. This special event featured compelling global health stories from experts in the heart of the action overseas, and TV writers who have turned stories on global health topics into top-rated television shows.

Part 1

Part 2

Peter Blake, Writer, House, MD
Larry Barat, MD, MPH: USAID, Senior Malaria Advisor, Presidential Malaria Initiative
• Moderator: Neal Baer, MD, Executive Producer, Law & Order: SVU

Comments from scriptwriters following the “World of Stories” panel discussion:

One writer said, “this is the best event I have ever attended at the Writers’s Guild!” and another shared “I never thought about addressing global health until tonight!” At least one writer had been moved to tears: “Dr. Yamada’s story about the child dying in her mother’s arms made me cry.” Several writers let us know that they were inspired to create storylines about global health in the future, including a scriptwriter who now plans to pen a “global health mystery,” and another who said, “I don’t write about health issues but now I see how I can weave them into my stories.”

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