Beyond Erin Brockovich: Threats from Our Toxic Environment

Contaminants in the air and water are taking a toll on the health of Americans. But how bad is it really? On this panel, environmental health experts spoke about growing rates of asthma, cancer and other diseases that affect millions of Americans on a daily basis. Experts further exposed the burden environmental toxins place on the health care system, and the quality of life that we enjoy. People who have faced environmental exposures that have changed their lives shared their personal stories. Experts proposed measures that individuals, communities and private industry can take to prevent environmental disease.
• Thomas Sinks, Ph.D., Deputy Director, National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
• Gina Solomon, M.D., M.P.H., Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California at San Francisco
Paul Rosenfeld, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, UCLA School of Public Health and environmental chemist/founder of SWAPE (Soil, Water, Air, Protection Enterprises)
• Cynthia Babich, Executive Director, Del Amo Action Group, which provides support for families affected by underground toxic waste at the Del Amo Superfund site
• Elvia Hernandez, a Pacoima, California mother who has dealt with lead pollution problems in her home that affected her family’s health
• Moderator: Neal Baer, M.D., Executive Producer, Law & Order: SVU