Hollywood, Health & Society Director Sandra de Castro Buffington explored the importance of storytelling and the role of the writer in helping to shape the future during a presentation at the "State of the Arts 2012: Amplify!" conference on Sept. 22 in Los Angeles.
Hollywood, Health & Society’s 2012 Sentinel for Health Awards celebrated the best in entertainment for the social good, recognizing TV storylines that included such serious topics as sexual abuse, bipolar disorder, drug addiction and intervention, and violence against women.
Hollywood, Health & Society Director Sandra de Castro Buffington delivered a presentation on engaging TV viewers in stories that can improve their health and well-being at the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media in Atlanta on Aug. 9.
Hollywood, Health & Society and the CAA Foundation co-sponsored a panel discussion on the art of being a great citizen on June 27 at the Creative Artists Agency’s Ray Kurtzman Theater in Los Angeles.
Hollywood, Health & Society Director Sandra de Castro Buffington delivered a talk June 26 on the power of entertainment storylines to bring about global change, at the World Bank-Annenberg Summer Institute being held on the USC campus.
Hollywood, Health & Society Director Sandra de Castro Buffington traveled to the Netherlands to deliver a presentation on TV health storylines June 21 at a communications workshop held at the University of Amsterdam.
A mother secures her food provisions by hanging them from the ceiling in the middle of the family’s apartment, safe from the cockroaches and rats. A scene from a developing country in an impoverished part of the world?
Hollywood, Health and Society Director Sandra de Castro Buffington deliverd a special briefing at the Roybal campus of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta on May 22, exploring strategies, case studies and best practices used to incorporate public health messages into television storylines, and how these messages extend beyond TV.
Hollywood, Health & Society Director Sandra de Castro Buffington participated in the Atlanta Summit on May 21 titled “Sustaining U.S. Leadership in Global Health and Water.”
Sandra de Castro Buffington, director of Hollywood, Health & Society, a program of the USC Annenberg's Norman Lear Center, spoke at a communications workshop on Tuesday, May 1 at the InterAction Forum 2012 in Arlington, Virginia.