
50 Years After the Kerner Commission: Can Entertainment Inspire a New Will?

Few studio and network executives today probably know that the landmark 1968 Kerner Commission ever existed, or what it aimed to accomplish. Now, five decades after it was convened to examine the causes of civil unrest in American cities, the commission served as the jumping-off point for a discussion about Hollywood's part in helping to heal a divided society.

Clinicians in Crisis: Healthcare Workers Are Suffering; TV Stories Can Help

Among the takeaways that emerged from the webinar discussion about the physical and mental toll on healthcare workers was the fact that the pandemic didn't necessarily cause the crisis, but it did stoke fuel on an already burning fire.

More to My Story: Navigating Breast Cancer, Fertility and Family Planning

Hollywood, Health & Society, in partnership with the WGAW Committee of Women Writers, presented an online panel discussion about an issue that weighs heavily on young women affected by breast cancer, yet is rarely discussed.

2021 Sentinel Awards Honor 12 Shows for Outstanding TV Entertainment That Makes a Difference

Hollywood writers/producers Gloria Calderón Kellett and Mike Royce co-hosted the 2021 Sentinel Awards, which this year honored NBC’s popular medical drama New Amsterdam with the “Imagining a Culture of Health Award” for the show’s entire body of work during its third season.

Fallout: The Hiroshima Cover-Up and the Reporter Who Revealed It to the World

In 1946, The New Yorker magazine devoted its entire August 31 issue to John Hersey’s 31,000-word essay on the effects of the atomic blast on the people of Hiroshima one year earlier.

The Black Birth Experience: Challenges, Joys and Justice

Our May 6 panel "The Black Birth Experience: Challenges, Joys and Justice" brought experts and TV writers together over the topic of why Black women are more likely to die from pregnancy or childbirth than women in any other race group. 

Money Matters: Changing the Story of Poverty, Prosperity & Opportunity

Hollywood, Health & Society brought together five leading creative talents behind current TV series that are changing up the narrative of what poverty looks like. In much of their storytelling, marginalized communities and people who are poor struggle for a fair shake and the elusive American Dream.

Young Black Women: Racism, Bias and Breast Cancer

Hollywood, Health & Society brought together health experts and writers/producers for a webinar that explored how racism, bias and a mistrust of the medical system all affect the outcome for young Black women with breast cancer, and the ways TV storylines can raise awareness about health disparities.

Atomic Storytelling From the People Who Know

Experts from the world of nuclear threats and international security shared their amusing, poignant and personal accounts from key moments in their professional lives during a virtual storytelling event, “The Countdown: Atomic Storytelling From the People Who Know.”

Abortion On Screen: TV and Telemedicine

Recently the Supreme Court ruled to reinstate an FDA policy that required people to go to a clinic in person to obtain medication abortion care. Yet research shows that medication abortion care can be provided via telemedicine just as safely and effectively as in-person care.