
Creative Change: Art, Culture and Immigrant Justice

Hollywood, Health & Society Director Sandra de Castro Buffington will speak about the depiction of immigrants in the media at the Creative Change conference March 5 at Self Help Graphics & Art in East Los Angeles.

People First: Real Disabilities, Reel Stories

Ben Lewin’s “The Sessions” is a critically celebrated movie whose main character and subject—a man with polio exploring his sexuality for the first time—makes it all the more unusual at a time when honest portrayals of people with disabilities in TV and film are rare.

Hunger Games

Residents in East and South Los Angeles are shaking up the neighborhood food landscape, using innovative solutions to change eating habits and tackle the challenge of getting fresh, affordable and healthy food into communities.

Uplift 2012 Festival in Australia

Hollywood, Health & Society Director Sandra de Castro Buffington was a featured presenter at the Uplift 2012 festival held Dec. 20-23 in Byron Bay, Australia.

28th International Papillomavirus Conference

Hollywood, Health & Society Director Sandra de Castro Buffington led a series of events at the 28th International Papillomavirus Conference held Nov. 30 through Dec. 6 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She and a group of entertainment industry writers and producers held two panel discussions and a storytelling workshop for medical doctors, researchers and clinicians.

2nd Annual Green Festival

Hollywood, Health & Society Director Sandra de Castro Buffington delivered a presentation on "Hollywood as a Cultural Catalyst" at the second annual Green Festival in Los Angeles.

2012 Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference

Hollywood, Health & Society Director Sandra de Castro Buffington delivered a presentation at the 2012 Behavior, Energy & Climate Change Conference on Nov. 12 in Sacramento.

Close Encounters at NASA JPL

On a recent morning beneath beautiful blue skies, a bus full of Hollywood writers and producers pulled up to a space-age-looking entry gate, where a sign next to the familiar NASA logo greeted them with the words: “Welcome to Our Universe.”

Entertaining Health: Inspiring Hollywood to Create Stories That Change Lives

Hollywood, Health & Society Director Sandra de Castro Buffington gave a presentation at the Cause Placement 2012 conference titled “Entertaining Health: Inspiring Hollywood to Create Stories That Change Lives” in Washington, D.C. on Oct. 11.