You Want a Piece of Me? Organ Transplantation Stories from the Real World

Health experts discussed leading-edge technology and therapy and exposed the myths of organ donation. Real organ recipients and donors shared personal stories about their roles in the second chance at life that donation offers.
• Panelist introductions: Sandra de Castro Buffington
• Keynote: Dr. Robert A. Montgomery, Director, Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Transplant Center
• Moderator: Dr. Neal Baer, Executive Producer, Law & Order: SVU
• Dr. Joe Sachs, Executive Producer, ER and Consulting Producer, Mercy
• James Redford, President, The James Redford Institute for Transplant Awareness, Co-Producer, Share the Beat, and organ transplant recipient
• Dr. Andrew S. Klein, Director, Cedars-Sinai Comprehensive Transplant Center
• Dr. Kenneth P. Moritsugu, Chairman, Johnson & Johnson Diabetes Institute and organ donor family member
• Melodie Williams, kidney donor
• Thomas Mone, CEO and Executive Vice President, OneLegacy