News Stories

Hollywood Targeted to Give Health-Care Law a Boost

News Story

Illustrated megaphone with speech bubbles and other conversation symbols coming out.

$500,000 Grant Gives Obamacare a Starring Role in TV Productions

News Story

Illustrated megaphone with speech bubbles and other conversation symbols coming out.

Hollywood Targeted to Give Health-Care Law a Boost

News Story

Illustrated megaphone with speech bubbles and other conversation symbols coming out.

Hollywood Targeted to Give Health-Care Law a Boost

News Story

Illustrated megaphone with speech bubbles and other conversation symbols coming out.
Illustrated megaphone with speech bubbles and other conversation symbols coming out.

Hollywood Targeted to Give Health-Care Law a Boost

News Story

Illustrated megaphone with speech bubbles and other conversation symbols coming out.

Hollywood Targeted to Give Health-Care Law a Boost

News Story

Illustrated megaphone with speech bubbles and other conversation symbols coming out.

USC Gets a Grant to Convince Hollywood to Push Obamacare

News Story

Illustrated megaphone with speech bubbles and other conversation symbols coming out.

Is There Obamacare Propaganda on Our Favorite Shows?

News Story

Illustrated megaphone with speech bubbles and other conversation symbols coming out.

TV Propaganda? $500K Grant to Sneak Pro-Obamacare Messages in Shows

News Story

Illustrated megaphone with speech bubbles and other conversation symbols coming out.