How do TV health storylines affect us? When a significant health or climate change storyline with a strong call to action is scheduled to air, HH&S frequently works with the show to examine the impact of the storyline on viewers’ knowledge, attitudes, and behavior.

These audience impact studies are conducted by HH&S research staff in collaboration with faculty, graduate students, and subject matter experts from USC and beyond, using both quantitative methods (such as cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys) and qualitative methods (such as focus groups and analysis of social media chatter). When possible we also coordinate with the show to connect viewers with additional resources through links placed on the show’s website or public service announcements featuring the talent. By tracking web traffic and hotline calls driven by this supplementary content, we are able to evaluate the degree to which viewers are inspired to take specific action steps.
We have evaluated the impact of numerous television storylines, the results of which have been published in peer-reviewed journals and reports, and presented at academic and professional conferences. Our impact studies are described below.
A printable summary of our research and evaluation projects and publications is available here.
Madam Secretary (CBS) – “Night Watch” (May 20, 2018)
- Content: TV storyline on nuclear threats
- Methods: Longitudinal online survey of Madam Secretary viewers, social media analysis
- Status:
◦ Dissertation accepted: Kim, G. K. (2020). “Nightwatch”: Effects of a Nuclear Risk Storyline on the Popular Show Madam Secretary on Viewers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors. UCLA. ProQuest ID: Kim_ucla_0031D_19419. Merritt ID: ark:/13030/m5zs8dkm.
◦ Presentation: Kim, G. & Rosenthal, E (2020, Oct). “Nightwatch”: Effects of a Nuclear Risk Storyline on the Popular Show Madam Secretary on Viewers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors. Oral presentation presented at the annual National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media, Online.
◦ Manuscript in preparation
East Los High (Hulu)—Multiple episodes, Season 4 (Aired July 13, 2016)
- Content: Web series storylines on abortion, alcohol abuse, immigration and political engagement
- Methods: Longitudinal survey of East Los High viewers
- Status: Published: Walter, N., Murphy, S.T., & Rosenthal, E.L. (2018, October). Narrative Persuasion in a New Media Environment: The Impact of Binge-Watching and Second-Screening. Communication Research Reports, 35(5), 402-412. Under review: Walter, N., Murphy, S.T., & Rosenthal, E.L. Not your mother’s soap opera: How binge-watching, second-screening, and co-viewing influence edutainment.
- Presentation: Walter, N., Murphy, S.T., & Rosenthal, E.L. (2017, May). Paper presented at the “Narrative Persuasion: From Research to Practice” pre-conference of the International Communication, Los Angeles, CA.
Royal Pains (USA)—“The Prince of Nucleotides” (Aired June 23, 2015)
- Content: TV storyline on transgender teen girl, hormone replacement therapy
- Methods: Cross-sectional online survey of viewers of Royal Pains episode with comparison group of non-viewers matched demographically
- Status: Published: Gillig, T.K., Rosenthal, E.L., Murphy, S.T., & Folb, K.L. (2017, August) More than a media moment: The influence of televised storylines on viewers’ attitudes toward transgender people and policies. Sex Roles.
Desperate Housewives (ABC)—Multiple episodes, Season 4 (Aired September-November 2007)
- Content: TV storyline on lymphoma
- Methods: Longitudinal online survey of regular Desperate Housewives viewers
- Status: Published: Murphy, S., Frank, L., Moran, M., & Woodley, P. (2011). Involved, Transported or Emotional? Exploring the Determinants of Change in Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior In Entertainment Education. Journal of Communication, 61, 407-431.
Grey’s Anatomy (ABC)—Multiple episodes, Season 2 (Aired March-May, 2006)House (FOX)—“Sleeping Dogs Lie” (Aired April 18, 2006)CSI: NY (CBS)—“Live or Let Die” (Aired March 29, 2006)House (FOX)—“Sex Kills” (Aired March 7, 2006)Numb3rs (CBS)—“Harvest” (Aired Jan. 27, 2006)Grey’s Anatomy (ABC)—“Enough is Enough” (Aired Oct. 2, 2005)
- Content: Six TV storylines on organ donation and transplantation
- Methods: Cross-sectional online survey of regular viewers of each show
- Status: Published
- Morgan, S.E., Movius, L., & Cody, M.J. (2009). The power of narratives: The effect of organ donation entertainment television storylines on the attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors of donors and non-donors. Journal of Communication, 59, 135-151.
- Movius, L., Cody, M., Huang, G. & Berkowitz, M. (2007). Motivating television viewers to become organ donors. Cases in Public Health Communication & Marketing, 1.
ER (NBC)—“Man With No Name” (Aired October 6, 2005) and “Wake Up” (Aired Oct. 20, 2005)Grey’s Anatomy (ABC)—“Let it Be” (Aired Nov. 13, 2005)
- Content: TV storylines on BRCA gene as a risk factor for breast and ovarian cancer
- Methods: Longitudinal online survey of regular TV viewers
- Status: Published: Hether, H.J., Huang, G., Beck, V., Murphy, S.T. & Valente, T.W. (2008). Entertainment-education in a media-saturated environment: examining the impact of single and multiple exposures to breast cancer storylines on two popular medical dramas. Journal of Health Communication, 13, 808-823.
The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS)—Multiple episodes (Aired August 2001)
- Content: Storyline on HIV prevention
- Methods: Tracking of hotline calls, cross-sectional phone survey of sample of callers
- Status: Published: Kennedy, M.G., O’Leary, A., Beck, V., Pollard, W. E. & Simpson, P. (2004). Increases in calls to the CDC National STD and AIDS hotline following AIDS-related episodes in a soap opera. Journal of Communication, 54, 287-301.
Various Indian Soap Operas (2018)
- Content: Indian TV storylines on family planning, birth spacing, delaying marriage, empowerment of women
- Methods: Longitudinal in-person interviews of viewers of key shows and networks
- Status: Report completed
Rethink Aging (HH&S original videos; “The Entrepreneur” (Released Jan. 30, 2017) and “The Student” (Released Feb. 25, 2017)
- Content: Two original videos addressing stereotypes about older adults and aging
- Methods: Experimental study comparing videos to text article
- Status: Report completed: Cafferty, L.A., & Rosenthal, E.L. (2017, November). Rethink Aging: Key findings from Rethink Aging original content videos. A Report to the SCAN Foundation. Hollywood, Health & Society, USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center. Beverly Hills, CA.
Grey’s Anatomy (ABC)—Multiple episodes, Season 13 (Aired Feb. 9, March 23, March 30, 2017)
- Content: TV storyline on inflammatory breast cancer, with minor storyline on clinical trials
- Methods: Longitudinal online survey of Grey’s Anatomy viewers
- Status: Data analysis in progress
East Los High (Hulu)—Multiple episodes, Season 4 (Aired July 13, 2016)
- Content: Web series storylines on abortion, alcohol abuse, immigration and political engagement
- Methods: Longitudinal survey of East Los High viewers
- Status: Under review: Walter, N., Murphy, S.T., & Rosenthal, E.L. Not your mother’s soap opera: How binge-watching, second-screening, and co-viewing influence edutainment.
- Presentation: Walter, N., Murphy, S.T., & Rosenthal, E.L. (2017, May). Paper presented at the “Narrative Persuasion: From Research to Practice” pre-conference of the International Communication, Los Angeles, CA.
Code Black (CBS)—Multiple episodes (Aired November-December 2015)
- Content: Twitter dialogue around medical series
- Methods: Content analysis using grounded theory
- Status: Published: Hoffman B.L., Rosenthal, E.L., Colditz J.B., McGarry, R.P., Primack B.A. (2018, February). Use of Twitter to Assess Viewer Reactions to the Medical Drama Code Black. Journal of Health Communication.
Code of Silence (Royal Arts Academy/Nollywood Workshops)—Film (Premiered Aug. 7, 2015)
- Content: Nigerian film addressing gender-based violence, women’s empowerment, family planning
- Methods: Cross-sectional online survey of Nigerian film viewers
- Status: Report completed: Rosenthal, E.L. (2016, June). Code of Silence: Evaluation Highlights. Key Findings from Research in Nigeria: A report to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Hollywood, Health & Society, USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center. Beverly Hills, CA.
More about our partnership with global centers in Nigeria and India
Royal Pains (USA)—“The Prince of Nucleotides” (Aired June 23, 2015)
- Content: TV storyline on transgender teen girl, hormone replacement therapy
- Methods: Cross-sectional online survey of viewers of Royal Pains episode with comparison group of non-viewers matched demographically
- Status: Published: Gillig, T.K., Rosenthal, E.L., Murphy, S.T., & Folb, K.L. (2017, August) More than a media moment: The influence of televised storylines on viewers’ attitudes toward transgender people and policies. Sex Roles.
The Daily Show (Comedy Central)—“The Snacks of Life” (Aired March 17, 2015)
- Content: Satirical news segment addressing nutrition and the food industry
- Methods: Longitudinal online survey of general U.S. population, experimental study comparing The Daily Show segment to traditional video and print news
- Status: Presentation and report of preliminary findings complete; manuscript in preparation: Rosenthal, E.L., Kaplan, M., Rogers, A.A., & Folb, K.L.
- Presentation: Kaplan, M. (2015, September). Hollywood and Dine: The Image and Impact of Food in Entertainment. Presented at Expo Milano 2015 (USA Pavilion), Milan, Italy.
- Preliminary Findings: Rosenthal, E.L., Kaplan, M., Folb, K.L., & Rogers, A.A. (2015, August). Fake News, Real Knowledge: The Impact of Food and Nutrition Messages on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (Preliminary Research Findings). A Report by Hollywood, Health & Society, USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center: Beverly Hills, CA.
Hamari Sister Didi (Sony PAL, India)—Multiple episodes (Aired October-November 2014)
- Content: Indian TV storylines on vaccination, family planning, maternal and child health
- Methods: Longitudinal in-person interviews of women aged 18-49 who watched Hamari Sister Didi, across 5 locations Uttar Pradesh, India
- Status: Report of preliminary findings published: Riley, A.H. & Rosenthal, E.L. (2015, April). Hamari Sister Didi: Evaluation Highlights. Key Findings from Preliminary Research in India: A Report to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Hollywood, Health & Society, USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center. Beverly Hills, CA.
90210 (CW)—Multiple episodes, Season 4 (Aired March-May 2012)
- Content: TV storyline on BRCA gene as risk factor for breast and ovarian cancer
- Methods: Longitudinal online survey of regular TV viewers with directed viewing of episode and cross-sectional online study of regular 90210 viewers
- Status: Published: Rosenthal, E.L., Buffington, S.C., & Cole, G. (2018, February). Examining the effects of a multiple-episode television storyline on awareness of breast cancer risk factors. Journal of Communication in Healthcare.
- Presentation: Rosenthal, E.L., Buffington, S.C., & Cole, G. (2013, August). Covering Cancer: Examining the Incidence and Impact of Prime Time Television Cancer Storylines. Paper presented at the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing & Media, Atlanta, GA. [Abstract]
Law & Order: SVU (NBC)—“Witness” (Aired March 17, 2010)
- Content: TV storyline on sexual assault, global health, and MRSA infection
- Methods: Cross-sectional online survey of viewers of episode
- Status: Published: Murphy, S.T., Hether, H.J., Felt, L.J., & Buffington, S.C. (2012). Public Diplomacy in Prime Time: Exploring the Potential of Entertainment Education in International Public Diplomacy. American Journal of Media Psychology, 5, 5-32.
90210 (CW)—“Off the Rails” (Aired April 7, 2009)
- Content: TV storyline and PSA on bipolar disorder
- Methods: Tracking of hotline calls and web traffic driven by PSA
- Status: Published: Nahm, S., Le, K., Buffington, S., Schiman, N., Raider, S., & Resko, S. (2010). Engaging Youth through Entertainment Education through Partnership and Collaboration. Cases in Public Health Communication & Marketing, 4, 57-78.
Law & Order: SVU (NBC)—(Aired October 2008)
- Content: TV storyline on global health, HIV/AIDS
- Methods: Cross-sectional online survey of regular TV viewers
- Status: Published: Okamoto, J., Buffington, S., Cloum, H.M., Mendenhall, B.M., Toboni, M., and Valente, T.W. (2011). The Influence of Health Knowledge in Shaping Political Priorities: Exploring HIV/AIDS Knowledge, Global Health, and Domestic Concerns. Global Public Health, 6, 830-842.
Desperate Housewives (ABC)—Multiple episodes, Season 4 (Aired September-November 2007)
- Content: TV storyline on lymphoma
- Methods: Longitudinal online survey of regular Desperate Housewives viewers
- Status: Published: Murphy, S., Frank, L., Moran, M., & Woodley, P. (2011). Involved, Transported or Emotional? Exploring the Determinants of Change in Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior In Entertainment Education. Journal of Communication, 61, 407-431.
The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS)—Multiple episodes (Aired October 2007)
- Content: TV storylines on SCID, bone marrow transplantation
- Methods: Cross-sectional online survey of B&B viewers
- Status: Published: Lapsansky, C., Schuh, J.S., Movius, L., Cody, M.J., Woodley, P., & Buffington, S. (2010, Summer). Evaluating the “Baby Jack” Storyline on The Bold and the Beautiful: Making a Case for Bone Marrow Donations. Cases in Public Health Communication & Marketing, 4, 8-27.
Law & Order: SVU (NBC)—“Loophole” (Aired Feb. 6, 2007)
- Content: TV storylines on toxic substance exposure, cancer clusters
- Methods: Cross-sectional online survey of U.S. residents (items included in omnibus survey); restricted to occasional L&O: SVU viewers
- Status: Published: Kennedy, M.G., Turf, E.E., Wilson, M., Wells, K., Huang, G.C., & Beck, V. (2011). Effects of a Television Drama about Environmental Exposure to Toxic Substances. Public Health Reports, 126, Suppl.1, 150-159.
ER (NBC)—“Man With No Name” (Aired October 6, 2005) and “Wake Up” (Aired Oct. 20, 2005)
Grey’s Anatomy (ABC)—“Let it Be” (Aired Nov. 13, 2005)
- Content: TV storylines on BRCA gene as a risk factor for breast and ovarian cancer
- Methods: Longitudinal online survey of regular TV viewers
- Status: Published: Hether, H.J., Huang, G., Beck, V., Murphy, S.T. & Valente, T.W. (2008). Entertainment-education in a media-saturated environment: examining the impact of single and multiple exposures to breast cancer storylines on two popular medical dramas. Journal of Health Communication, 13, 808-823.
ER (NBC)—“You Don’t Cut Into Cancer” (Aired April 21, 2005)
- Content: TV storyline on cancer myths, patient navigators, breast cancer screening
- Methods: Cross-sectional online survey of NBC viewers
- Status: Published: Marcus, P.M., Huang, G.C., Beck, V. & Miller, M.J. (2010). The impact of a primetime cancer storyline: from individual knowledge and behavioral intentions to policy-level changes. Journal of Cancer Education, 25, 484-489.
ER (NBC)—Multiple episodes, Season 10 (Aired April-May 2004)
- Content: TV storyline on youth heart disease, obesity, 5 A Day
- Methods: Longitudinal online survey of regular TV viewers; cross-sectional online survey of viewers of show; cross-sectional population-based mail survey of heavy TV viewers
- Status: Published: Valente, T.W., Murphy, S.T., Huang, G., Gusek, J., Greene, J. & Beck, V. (2007). Evaluating a minor storyline on ER about teen obesity, hypertension and 5 A Day. Journal of Health Communication, 12, 551-566.
Ladrón de Corazones (Telemundo)—Multiple episodes (Aired October 2003)
- Content: Spanish-language telenovela storyline on breast cancer
- Methods: Longitudinal population-based pone survey of telenovela viewers, focus groups, tracking of hotline calls
- Status: Published: Wilkin, H.A., Valente, T.W., Murphy, S.T., Cody, M.J., Huang, G.C. & Beck, V. (2007). Does entertainment-education work with Latinos in the United States? Identification and the effects of a telenovela breast cancer storyline. Journal of Health Communication, 12, 455-469.
ER (NBC)—Multiple episodes, Season 9 (Aired March 2003)
- Content: TV storyline on syphilis among MSM
- Methods: Cross-sectional online sample of gay men in high-risk urban areas
- Status: Published: Whittier, D.K., Kennedy, M.G., Seeley, S., St. Lawrence, J.S. & Beck, V. (2005). Embedding health messages into entertainment television: Effect on gay men’s response to a syphilis outbreak. Journal of Health Communication, 10, 251-259.
The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS)—Multiple episodes (Aired in Botswana 2002-2003; originally aired August 2001)
- Content: Storyline on HIV prevention
- Methods: Cross-sectional population-based in-person interviews in Botswana (items included in omnibus survey), restricted to those with regular TV access and longitudinal phone survey of telenovela viewers
- Status: Published: O’Leary, A., Kennedy, M.G., Pappas-DeLuca, K.A., Nkete, M., Beck, V. & Galavotti, C. (2007). Association between exposure to an HIV story line in The Bold and The Beautiful and HIV-related stigma in Botswana. AIDS Education and Prevention, 19, 209-217.
The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS)—Multiple episodes (Aired August 2001)
- Content: Storyline on HIV prevention
- Methods: Tracking of hotline calls, cross-sectional phone survey of sample of callers
- Status: Published: Kennedy, M.G., O’Leary, A., Beck, V., Pollard, W. E. & Simpson, P. (2004). Increases in calls to the CDC National STD and AIDS hotline following AIDS-related episodes in a soap opera. Journal of Communication, 54, 287-301.